ADMIN The Empire
الرتبة : ادارة الموقع عدد المساهمات : 1203 Level : 2104 Like : 5 تاريخ الميلاد : 29/05/1988 تاريخ التسجيل : 20/12/2010 العمر : 36 المزاج : مزاج طبيب أسنان ممارس
| موضوع: أنواع من التسوس والكائنات الحية على المسبب للمرض: 15/02/12, 01:16 am | |
| Types of Caries and their Causative Organisms Dental Caries as described earlier is an irreversible microbial disease of the calcified tissues of the teeth, characterized by de-mineralization of the inorganic portion and destruction of the organic substance of the tooth. As you have seen in the Post about Dental Caries there are 4 Types of Caries in particular based on the location where they are seen on the tooth and the causative organisms for each type also differ which is given below categorized under each type. 1) Pit & fissure Caries
- S mutans
- S sanguis
- Other streptococci
- Lactobacillus sp
- Actinomyces sp
2) Smooth surface Caries 3) Root surface
- A viscosus
- A naeslundi
- Othr filamentous rods
- S mutans
- S sanguis
- S salivarius
4) Deep dentinal caries
- Lactobacillus sp
- A naeslundi
- A viscosus
- Othr filamentous rods
- S mutans
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